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Injured Victims

It’s nearly impossible to go through life without suffering at least a minor injury at some point. For the most unfortunate amongst us, though, a major injury may also be a life event. If a serious injury is caused by the fault of another, however, the injured party maintains the right to seek compensation by filing a claim directly against the responsible party. Our Spokane personal injury attorneys at the office of Albrecht Law, PLLC can help you file your personal injury claim and seek compensation for your injuries if another’s negligence has led to harm. 

Personal Injury Cases We Handle

A personal injury claim is appropriate whenever the negligence or wrongful act of one party leads to harm of another, regardless of the type of accident. We can help you bring forth a personal injury claim following nearly any accident or injury type. We have experience representing clients in the following personal injury case types:

  • Motor vehicle accidents;
  • Commercial vehicle accidents;
  • Sexual abuse and assault cases
  • Dangerous premises accidents;
  • Defective product claims;
  • Negligent security;
  • Pedestrian, motorcycle, and bicycle accidents; and 
  • Spinal cord injuries;
  • Workplace injury claims

We can also represent family members who have lost loved ones in any of the accident types listed above. 

Washington Personal Injury Laws

If you or your loved one was injured due to the recklessness or carelessness of another party, you may be entitled to recover financial compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. It is crucial that you have an understanding of the laws, regulations, and procedures that will affect your rights. Below are three key things that you should know about personal injury laws in Washington.

  1. Most Personal Injury Claims are Subject to a Three Year Statute of Limitations: You must file a claim before a three year statutory deadline ticks away. A Spokane personal injury will help you secure the evidence, build a case, and take the right steps to maximize your recovery.
  2. Washington Uses a Comparative Negligence Standard: With some limited exceptions, most personal injury claims in Washington are handled under the state’s comparative negligence standard. Under Washington law (RCW 4.22.005), liability is apportioned based on each party’s “share” of the blame for an accident. If you are found partially at fault for your own accident, your financial recovery will be reduced by your share of the blame.
  3. You Can Recover Compensation for Economic and Non-Economic Damages:  In effect, your financial recovery should account for your actual losses―both out-of-pocket costs and intangible damages. Specifically, you may be entitled to get money for: medical bills and related expenses, rehabilitative care and treatment, loss of current and future wages, pain and suffering, and long-term disability or impairment. An experienced Spokane, WA personal injury lawyer will help you put together the documentation and evidence you need to maximize the value of your insurance settlement or trial verdict.

What You Need to Prove in Your Personal Injury Claim

While each personal injury claim and accident is unique, the elements of a personal injury claim that a plaintiff must establish in order to be successful in their suit are the same. These elements include:

  • Proving that the defendant acted negligently;
  • Proving that the defendant’s neglect was the proximate cause of your harm; and 
  • Proving that you have suffered damages, either economic or noneconomic or both, as a direct result. 

Our lawyers know how to build each element in order to bring forth a successful case, and have years of experience doing exactly that. 

How Do I Calculate the Value of a My Personal Injury Case?

A serious accident can change the course of your life in a matter of moments. You need compensation to pay bills and support yourself and your family.

Through a personal injury lawsuit, you can hold the responsible party liable for your damages. This raises an important question: How do I figure out how much my personal injury case is actually worth? 

The Value of a Case is Based on the Victim’s Damages 

The value of your case is equal to the value of your damages. You have a right to seek financial compensation for out-of-pocket expenses and non-economic losses. Financial support may be available for:

  • Vehicle repairs, vehicle replacement, and other property damages;
  • Medical expenses, including hospital bills and ongoing care;
  • Rehabilitative services, including physical therapy and mental health counseling;
  • Lost wages and loss of earning capacity;
  • Pain and suffering and emotional distress; and
  • Permanent scarring and/or permanent impairment.

Damages can be very difficult to calculate. As a starting point, make sure you carefully record your direct monetary losses, including medical bills and lost wages. 

You Must Prove Liability to Recover Personal Injury Compensation 

It is important to emphasize that liability is a required element of any personal injury case. To recover financial compensation for a defendant, a plaintiff has a duty of proving that the defendant’s negligence played a role in causing the accident. 

Comparative negligence has major implications for the value of your personal injury case. If you are found partially at-fault for your own accident, it will reduce the value of your personal injury settlement or personal injury verdict.

Recover the Compensation You Deserve

Our accident lawyers understand that after being involved in a serious accident, you may be reeling from the financial loss, psychological harm, and physical injuries that you’re facing. When you call our law firm, we will handle your claim for you, managing 100 percent of the details of your case on your behalf. Our Spokane personal injury lawyers have the skills, tenacity, and legal expertise to hold negligent defendants and big insurance companies accountable for paying full and fair compensation.

Our services include, an investigation of your case, representing you in conversations with the insurance company, evaluating your damages and calculating the value of your claim, reviewing your settlement amount, and more. We will remain accessible and available to answer any questions throughout the process. 

The Clock on the Statute of Limitations Is Ticking

It’s important that you file your personal injury claim as soon as possible after you have been injured. If you wait longer than three years from the date of your accident to file a suit, you will be barred from recovery. For this reason, we recommend consulting with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. 

The best way to learn more about the personal injury claims process and get started on your recovery is to schedule a FREE consultation with a Spokane injury attorney near you. Initial consultations with the office of Albrecht Law, PLLC are offered free of charge, and there is no obligation to hire our law firm at the conclusion of your consultation. 

To learn more, please call (509) 495-1246 today or send us a message. We are here to serve you.

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